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Eagle Editions - Wings of the Black Cross #10

Eagle Editions - Wings of the Black Cross #10
Price: €18.50
Our Price: €16.69
You Save: €1.81 (10%)
Code: WOTBC-10

Authored by Mark Proulx,  8.5" X 11" and contains 36 pages of Black and White.

Exciting, rare photos of a Bf 109 as flown by Oblt. Josef "Pips" Priller and numerous other interesting Luftwaffe Aircraft:
Two photos of a Bf 109 E-1 of III./JG 26 "Schlageter" from late 1939.

Two photos of a Bf 109 K-4 with W.Nr. I had thought the spray-painted style of numbering was a fiction until seeing the three digits behind the balkenkreuz in the photos.

A photo of a Bf 109 G-6 with W.Nr. applied on non-standard places.

A photo of a Bf 109 E-3 belonging to Oblt. Josef "Pips" Priller.

Photos from the Neubiberg dump site with two Me 262's, including W.Nr. 111728 and the tail of W.Nr. 110376, plus "White 7."

A Wright Field photo of an Me 262, W.Nr. 111711.

Two photos of an Me 262 A with the unconfirmed W.Nr. of 130015 with a large V015 on the side just ahead of the cockpit.

Two photos of an He 177 A-5 found in France in 1944.

A photo of the second prototype Ar 232 fitted with defensive armament. This version has two engines as opposed to four in later versions. 

A photo of an Ar 232 B with Air Min 17

Four photos of the Ju 288 V2.

Two photos of Me 410, 7A+KH in a derelict state.

A photo of He 219 A-010 V17.

A photo of Ju-290, 9V+AB at Brunnthal in derelict condition.

But that's not all of it. There are some Fw-200 photos and several aircraft in British markings, and more. 
Eight full color profiles by Aviation illustrator Tom Tullis
Availability: [Sold Out]
Weight: 0.2 kg
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